A sensorial scenery for the flagship store.

Assuming that today we have established many new ways of social communication, the project explores and reflects on the complex relationship between space, technology, human behavior, contemporary aesthetics and modes of shopping.
The design research explores the forms of space, the dynamics of the paths, the surface quality (strength, lightness, volatility) to identify new and recognizable aesthetic, a language of signs, curiosity, paths, old functions that are combined in new ways, suggestions and whatever serves to recognize the brand Allegri for its uniqueness.



The walls have an increasing density – glass, polycarbonate, resin, fiberglass, plastic laminate, iron – and their overlay materializes the “present of the present” through contemporary views of, the volatility of the weather with a double wall containing atmosphere, which in analogy with the the outdoor weather conditions change its nature through a control system of indoor temperature; the concept of space-time through the perception and a dynamic experience.




The public space, the showcase that we are accustomed to living as a diaphragm to mediate between the road and the store, here is recovered for observation in depth and becomes an area of journey, that in the end, on the opposite side of the road, returns to be a place of stop, rest, an inverted view of the shop and of the new collection but with a more conscious view.
